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Supported Data Types
- Expression data
- Affymetrix 3'-IVT arrays
- Affymetrix genechip ST 1.0 arrays
- Agilent single and dual channel arrays
- Illumina expression arrays
- GenePix data
- mAdb Archive data
- GDS datasets from NCBI/GEO
- Other data types through general importer
- RNA Sequencing data
- RNA-seq FASTQ file (Pre-Process through BRB-SeqTools)
- RNA-Seq count data processed through Galaxy web tools
Class comparison for differential expression
- Univariate tests with the option of random variance model
- Multivariate permutation tests
- Significance Analysis of Microarrays(SAM)
- Lassoed Principal Components

Class prediction
- Compound covariate predictor; SVM; Bayesian compound covariate; KNN; DLDA; Nearest centroid
- Adaboost
- Lasso logistic regression
- Binary tree prediction

- Interactive heat map viewer
- Hierarchical clustering
- Non-negative matrix factorization clustering
2-D and 3-D interactive Scatter-plot
- Phenotype average
- Array vs. Array
- View a demo

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis with many gene sets
- BioCarta
- Broad Institute - MSigDB
- Gene Ontology
- Protein domain
- Transcription factor targets
- MicroRNA targets
- User defined gene lists

Visualization of Samples
- 3-D interactive plot

Survival Analysis
- Survival gene sets analysis
- Survival risk prediction analysis

KEGG Pathway Graphic Tool
The “Gene color coding for KEGG human disease pathways” utility tool displays a KEGG disease pathway graph with selected genes being color-coded by their expression values or fold changes.