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Biometric Research Program (BRP)

Supplementary material to the publication in Clinical Epigenetics,

Association of expression of epigenetic molecular factors with DNA methylation and sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents in cancer cell lines


Web resource developed by: Computational and Systems Biology Branch (Biometric Research Program, DCTD/NCI)

Table S8

Epigenome-wide Spearman correlations of GMD expression with methylation of individual probes satisfying p < 6.039 x 10-10 and |ρ| > 0.5 in 23 indidividual cancer categories with at least 10 cell lines

- Spearman r, Spearman correlation coefficient
- |ρ|, the absolute value of the Spearman correlation coefficient
- GMD, gene affecting DNA methylation or demethylation, expression of which was included in the correlation analysis
- Target gene, the gene for which methylation of a particular probe was analyzed in the correlation
- Target probe, the individual CpG probe, methylation of which was analyzed in the correlation
- GMD chromosome, chromosome on which the GMD is located
- Target gene cytoband, chromosomal region where the target gene is located
- Sample size, number of cell lines with available data included in the correlation analysis
- Additional information about individual probes according to the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450K Beadchip manifest is also provided.

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Type of correlation GMD Target gene Target probe Cancer category GMD chromosome Spearman ρ
(|ρ| > 0.5)
p-value Sample size Taget gene cytoband Coordinate Gene Accesion UCSC RefGene Group UCSC CpG Islands Name Relation to UCSC CpG Island Phantom DMR Enhancer HMM Island Regulatory Feature Name Regulatory Feature Group
Type of correlation GMD Target gene Target probe Cancer category GMD chromosome Spearman ρ p-value Sample size Taget gene cytoband Coordinate Gene Accesion UCSC RefGene Group UCSC CpG Islands Name Relation to UCSC CpG Island Phantom DMR Enhancer HMM Island Regulatory Feature Name Regulatory Feature Group
Type of correlation GMD Target gene Target probe Cancer category GMD chromosome Spearman ρ
(|ρ| > 0.5)
p-value Sample size Taget gene cytoband Coordinate Gene Accesion UCSC RefGene Group UCSC CpG Islands Name Relation to UCSC CpG Island Phantom DMR Enhancer HMM Island Regulatory Feature Name Regulatory Feature Group