We apologize for any inconvenience you're experiencing by not being able to download BRB-ArrayTools. To resolve this issue as quickly as possible, please follow the troubleshooting steps below.

What's preventing you from downloading BRB-ArrayTools?

1) I don't have a password

Please go to our GUESTBOOK and make an application. This software is free for non-commercial use. Commercial users should contact Michael Shmilovich at shmilovichm@od.nih.gov or (301)435-5019.

2) I forgot my username or password

Please enter the email address you used for registration below. We will send you the username and the password to that email address right away.


3) Are my username and my password different?

Your username and password are the same. When you download the software, please enter it BOTH in the Username and Password fields.

4) Another error or problem

Please send email to our technical support.